Mark Iles
Short Stories
‘A Handful of Stars’ – short story, Escape Velocity Anthology
The Yellow, (SF) BBR – ‘Back Brain Recluse #7’ 1987
The Magician’s Assistant, (Fantasy) ‘Auguries #10’ 1987
The Sins Of Billy Shane, (horror) ‘Dream Magazine #8’ 1986
Hadin’s Castle, (Horror) ‘Haunts’ (USA) 1986 & ‘New Moon Quarterly #5’ 1985
The Trouble with Theasus, (SF) ‘BBR #11’ 1987
The Medallion, (Fantasy) ‘BBR #6’ 1986
That Man Downstairs, (SF/horror) ‘Dream #19’ 1987
The Jailbird, (SF) ‘BBR #9’ 1990
Earth Fleet Rising, (SF) ‘Dream #10’ 1987
The Judas Tree, (SF) ‘BBR #15’
Robins, (SF) ‘Auguries #4’Anthology 1987
Living in The Starships Shadow, (SF) Dream #13 1987
Faces In The Sky, (SF) Kalkion August 2010
Born Out Of Fear, (real life) Sept 2010
Guardians, (SF) Kalkion Oct 2010:
Understanding Lee, (SF) ‘Write To Fight’ Anthology, raising funds for children’s karate team to participate in European championships, January 2010:
The Cult Of Adam, (SF) ‘Monk Punk’ Anthology January 2011 – ‘Monk Punk’ Anthology
Someone Cried Tonight, (Fantasy) Accepted, details pending
The Ghosts of Lyn, (SF) Accepted, details pending
The Day the Rains Came, (SF) Accepted, details pending