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Mark Iles and dog

 The Writer in Me


I started writing way back in the 80’s, with short stories and non-fiction for various magazines. While I had great success with features, event reporting, and even interviewing the stars of many movies, it wasn’t until around 2008 that I began to write seriously. Since then I’ve had novels, short stories, and collections published. I have even written as a copywriter for an American agency and dabbled in dark poetry.


When all is said and done, however, my writing remains firmly entrenched in the realms of Science Fiction, Science Fantasy, and horror. Currently I’m working on a Science Fantasy novel, one that I’m tremendously excited about. Due to illness I find myself retired, which allows me to focus on my own work along with writing book reviews for the wonderful Amazing Stories.


Being a writer isn't easy. It's a lonely path to tread and, like any other craft, creative writing has a skillset that has to be learned. It’s not something that you just know off hand, you have to study the craft – and study hard. In addition to my degree I also undertook Diploma’s in both Proofreading and Copywriting, all of which I found fascinating.


One of the best tools I have to hand is the wonderful ‘On Writing – a memoir of the craft’ by Stephen King. In addition to hard and electronic copy it’s also available on Audible, so I’ll often be found listening to it while driving or doing odd jobs around the house. Like my peers I’m constantly learning, and if there’s one piece of advice I’d give any writer it’s to join an online writing group – and to have your work edited by someone else. All of us, no matter how skilled, stand too close to our own work. Others see things that we quite easily miss and it’s worth paying out a few bob to have our work polished.


I hope that my readers enjoy my books. If you’d like to contact me please feel free to do so via the Contact page on this site. It’s always a pleasure chatting to readers.



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